What do you apply for with this form?
With this form you can apply for an exemption, permission or approval of all forms of transport of dangerous goods. If the transport of dangerous goods cannot comply with the set requirements, it is possible in special cases to apply for an exemption. In addition, a permission/approval can be applied for if the competent authority can grant a permission/approval according to the transport regulations.
Who is this form intended for?
For companies that want to apply for an exemption, permission or approval based on the regulations for transporting dangerous goods by road. Please find applications for other types of transport here: inland waterways transport (ADN), maritime transport (IMDG), rail transport (RID), and air transport (ICAO).
What is the cost of this application?
You can find the current fee in the Regeling tarieven transportsectoren (Transportation Sectors Tariffs Scheme, only in Dutch) – (Afdeling 5.2. Vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen, artikel 5.3).
Which enclosures are needed?
Which attachments you need to fill in, differs per situation. When you fill in the form, you will see which attachments you need to include.
How does your application work?
After receiving your application, the ILT will send you a request for payment for the processing. The ILT will consider your application if it has been submitted in full and paid. Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be processed by the ILT. This also applies to not sending in the requested attachment(s).